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Biodiesel energy content

Posted by Flora Sawita

New biofuel to spar with ethanol
Mansfield News Journal - Philip Brasher - ‎May 11, 2011‎
WASHINGTON, DC -- Imagine filling up the car on a fuel that isn't made from oil but doesn't have the drawbacks of corn ethanol, including its lower energy content and ability to damage older cars or gas pumps. Such fuels could be made from the same ...
Battle brewing over biofuels' future
USA Today - Philip Brasher - ‎May 7, 2011‎
WASHINGTON — Imagine filling up the car on a fuel that isn't made from oil but doesn't have the drawbacks of corn ethanol, including its lower energy content and ability to damage older cars or gas pumps. ...
Battle brewing over biofuels' future
Tucson Citizen
What High Gas Prices Mean for Renewable Energy - Jennifer Kho - ‎May 31, 2011‎
The average price of E85 nationwide is $3.23 per gallon, which – because of the lower energy content – would equate to a price of $4.25 per gallon for regular gasoline, according to AAA. The gap between the price of gasoline futures and ethanol futures ...
CEPSA develops new process to manufacture biofuel from vegetable oil (press release) - ‎May 30, 2011‎
(Source: Datamonitor)CEPSA, a Spain-based company primarily active in the energy sector and the hydrocarbons industry, has developed a new process to manufacture biofuel from vegetable oil. This research project has been in progress since 2007, ...


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