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Biodiesel eisa

Posted by Flora Sawita

Industry Urges Congress to Continue Renewable Fuel Standard - ‎May 17, 2011‎
Under the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007, the Renewable Fuel Standard program was expanded in several key ways. First, EISA expanded the RFS program to include diesel, in addition to gasoline. Second, EISA increased the volume of ...
The House wants to slow the military's clean energy march
Grist Magazine - Daniel J. Weiss - ‎May 25, 2011‎
This provision, Section 526 [PDF] of EISA, forbids the military and other federal agencies from purchasing tar-sands oil and "coal to liquids" that are dirtier than today's fuels. This spurred the military to research, develop, and deploy advanced ...
US Biofuels Leaders to Congress: Don't Mess With RFS - ‎May 20, 2011‎
... a message today that urged lawmakers "to stand firm in the face of calls to waive or repeal the groundbreaking biofuels provisions included in the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA), including the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS). ...
EPA Needs to Improve RFS Program
Hoosier Ag Today - ‎May 5, 2011‎
Dinneen says - rather than throwing up red-tape roadblocks to biofuels expansion, Congress meant for EISA to serve as the blueprint for a rapid evolution of the US fuel supply toward greater volumes of renewables and less imported oil.


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