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Biodiesel eia production

Posted by Flora Sawita

EIA releases its Annual Energy Outlook 2011 (press release) - Erin Voegele - ‎May 6, 2011‎
“Biodiesel blended into diesel, E85 fuel, and ethanol blended into motor gasoline account for 54 percent of the growth in liquid fuel consumption from 2009 to 2035,” said the report. The AEO2011 also addresses biobased electricity production, ...
Solazyme Pre-IPO Report: Synthetic Nanobiology Comes of Age
Seeking Alpha - ‎May 19, 2011‎
The main focus of the DOE's program was the production of biodiesel from high-lipid-content algae grown in open ponds using CO 2 from coal-fired power plants. Japan's research during the 1990s yielded some innovations, including promising lipid ...
Ethanol plant could still brew profits
Progress Index - Michael Buettner - ‎May 29, 2011‎
Over that period, daily production has averaged 878000 barrels. EIA analysts expect daily production of all renewable fuels to average 940000 barrels this year, rising to 1.02 million barrels in 2012. As originally planned, the Appomattox Bio Fuels ...
U.S. oil import dependence: declining no matter how you measure it - ‎May 25, 2011‎
A much narrower measure that looks at crude oil imports into the United States as a percentage of total refinery crude inputs (Measurement C) excludes ethanol, biodiesel, and natural gas liquids (NGLs) as sources of petroleum products that are almost ...
House panel questions future of US biofuel use
The Detroit News - ‎May 5, 2011‎
By 2035, EIA predicts that hybrids will account for just 5 percent of all vehicles sold and plug-in hybrid electric and full electric vehicles will account for just 3 percent of all sales. "Americans love their cars and we love to drive, ...


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