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Buying more GOLD/SILVER without using your cash??

Posted by Flora Sawita

How can we do that?

From my explanation in the ADVANTAGE of GOLD, after your 1st time purchased of GOLD.. you actually still have that gold as an asset. You still can assume that gold is your money to spend.
How can we buy another gold or silver without using our cash money from our saving account?

I will teach you how to utilize your 1st purchased of GOLD.

Lets put a situation that you have your 1st purchased of gold, 20gm x 3pcs.

1) Use back the AR- Rahnu scheme, where you can have some money from your gold.

2) Keep your 20gm x 3pcs gold with Agro Bank. Estimated per gold will get about RM2050.(subject to change base on current gold market value)
So RM 2050 x 3 = RM 6150.00

3) With that RM 6150.00, you can purchase another 20gm gold x 1 and 250gm Silver x 1 with balance of cash in hand about few hundreds. (all cost subject to change base on current market value of gold and silver)

4) Every month you just need to pay to the Agro Bank about RM46.00 for the deposit charges.This will continue up to 6 months.

Means that, RM46 x 6 month = RM276.00

5) On the 6th months, u need to withdraw your 20gm x 3 gold from the bank.
Accumulative cost for withdrawal is about RM 6150 (initial borrowing cost) + RM 276 (deposit charges for 6months), total RM6426.00
(For the total cost above, you can pay it gradually/installment for 6 months or accumulate until on the 6th month to pay all)

The most important thing is, by the time you get back your 3 pcs gold from the bank.. your newly purchased of GOLD and SILVER definitely has increased its value more than the charges that u paid to the bank (RM276).

So, end of the day you got 4pcs of 20gm GOLD + 250gm SILVER as your asset. Total cost for 4pcs 20gm Gold and 250gm Silver is actually equal to 3pcs of 20gm Gold (initially) + RM276.00 only..Well done!!

**Note: This is just rough sample calculation. For actual figure, please consult me.


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