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Biodiesel cyanobacteria

Posted by Flora Sawita

In the lab, designing the ultimate biofuel bug
CNET - Martin LaMonica - ‎Mar 25, 2011‎
Rather than use algae or shuffle the genes of industrial workhorses, such as e.coli bacteria, Joule is doing metabolic engineering of cyanobacteria or blue-green algae, which is thought to have evolved 2.9 billion years ago and is the granddaddy of all ...
Algae Biofuel — No Longer the Next Big Thing?
Global Warming (blog) - Marlo Lewis - ‎Mar 30, 2011‎
Voosen titles his column “As algae bloom fades, photosynthesis hopes still shine,” because companies like Joule Unlimited are developing biofuel from cyanobacteria, which are easier than algae to decode and modify genetically. Also, production does not ...
Top 11 Algae Biofuel and Biochemical Trends From 2011-2020 - Will Thurmond - ‎Mar 29, 2011‎
In addition to biodiesel and ethanol, these organizations are able to produce drop-in replacement fuels from microalgae, and blue-green algae also known as cyanobacteria and other microbes. Military, aviation, government, and petrochem organizations ...
As Algae Bloom Fades, Photosynthesis Hopes Still Shine
New York Times - Paul Voosen - ‎Mar 29, 2011‎
Using heavily engineered photosynthetic bugs called cyanobacteria, Joule promises to produce hundreds of barrels of fungible diesel fuel per acre a year at the cost of $50 a barrel, a productivity that would outstrip nearly any other biofuel, ...


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