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Biodiesel cultivation

Posted by Flora Sawita

Boeing sees S. America potential in plant biofuel for aviation - ‎Mar 31, 2011‎
Yale researchers used a robust analytical framework to compare land conditions before and after Jatropha cultivation. A key study finding identifies prior land use as the most important factor driving greenhouse gas benefits of a Jatropha jet fuel. ...
Ministry to Blend 25pc Fuel in Five Years
Addis Fortune - Elias Gebreselassie - ‎Mar 14, 2011‎
The federal government, in collaboration with regional states and development organisations, plans to encourage the cultivation of Jatropha plants for biodiesel, in Tigray, Amhara, and Southern regional states, the minister said. ...
Sun Biofuels eyes 2 mln litres of oil in Mozambique
Reuters Africa - ‎Mar 14, 2011‎
Jatropha has been widely heralded as a wonder plant whose cultivation on non-arable land in Africa, Asia and Latin America would provide biodiesel and jobs in poor countries without using farmland needed to feed growing numbers of local people. ...
Kenya: Conduct More Research On Jatropha Project - Daniel Adero - ‎Mar 31, 2011‎
Some say cultivation of jatropha can control land degradation and reverse deforestation thereby alleviating poverty, and stemming rural-urban migration. The project proponents also say it will create employment opportunities for poor people and those ...


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