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Biodiesel classes

Posted by Flora Sawita

Loss of Minnesota ag ed program affects students
AG Week - ‎Apr 4, 2011‎
In my Renewable Energy class, we went out and about to do a home energy audit, toured a shop heated with geothermal energy, in addition to making biodiesel out of sunflower seed oil. In World Ag Food Systems, we had to prepare a complete meal from ...
Transit companies minimize petroleum
Knoxville News Sentinel - ‎Apr 3, 2011‎
KAT's converted nearly 100 percent of its fleet to hybrid electric vehicles and the remainder run on clean fuels such as propane and biodiesel. Passengers can park and ride from the new $27 million Knoxville Station, which is seeking to become ...
Urban goats
San Jose Mercury News - Jennifer Bleyer - ‎Mar 22, 2011‎
In Berkeley, a one-day workshop called Urban Goats 101 has filled up since BioFuel Oasis, a farm supply store and biodiesel station, began offering it last year. Novella Carpenter, who teaches the class, said it "is about managing expectations and ...
ISA:?Don't blame biofuels for rising food costs
Fort Dodge Messenger - Larry Kershner - ‎Mar 12, 2011‎
Media and consumer groups are blaming the rising cost of food on biofuels, but that's just not the case, according to Grant Kimberley, director of market development for the Iowa Soybean Association, especially for biodiesel. ...
Gardening coaches are personal trainers with plants
Philadelphia Inquirer - Virginia A. Smith - ‎Apr 1, 2011‎
She has graduated to a biodiesel-fueled truck with floor-to-ceiling shelves, but still limits her base to Center City and close-in neighborhoods. When Stockton moved to Fairmount three years ago, her 15-by-20-foot backyard was a cement-topped car park ...


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