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Biodiesel chemical reactions

Posted by Flora Sawita

RIT researchers creating green fuel from algae
Wayne Post - ‎Mar 13, 2011‎
Once the algae has dried out, they use a chemical reaction to extract the lipids. Another chemical process can be used to convert the lipids to biodiesel fuel. What they didn't fully expect was how extensively the algae would clean the wastewater, ...
Retooling A Bacterial Biofuel Factory
Chemical & Engineering News - ‎Mar 30, 2011‎
This irreversibility prevents chemical intermediates from being diverted backward, away from butanol. Different enzymes change reactions' activation energies—that is, the amount of energy input required to make a reaction go—by different amounts, ...
Hewlett-Packard/American Chemical Society Award Given For Computational Chemistry
Medical News Today (press release) - ‎Mar 31, 2011‎
Specifically, Walker and his team are studying protein reactivity and reaction pathways, with the goal of furthering the understanding of such complex processes in order to aid the development of new drugs for treatment of various diseases such as ...
Nano-aquarium opens up a new realm of research into microorganisms
Nanowerk LLC - ‎Apr 2, 2011‎
Figure 3: When stimulated by a micro-needle, a unicellular alga responds by assembling chloroplasts, transmitting the same reaction in one cell after another. Kawano's team has been developing a number of different microchips, each tailored to a ...


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