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Biodiesel cetane rating

Posted by Flora Sawita

Alternative fuel for Cars - Alcohol as Biofuel - ‎Mar 12, 2011‎
The cetane number of alcohol fuel is very low (in order of 0 to 8 compared to that of 40 to 60 for diesel). Cetane refers to the property of fuels to ignite when introduced into a hot environment. As you may remember, diesel engines do not use a direct ...
Bioenergy careers growing for students in the Northern Plains
The Prairie Star - ‎Apr 1, 2011‎
The standards in-clude testing for flash point, cloud point, water and sediment, carbon residue, sulfated ash, distillation, viscosity, sulfur, copper corrosion, cetane, acid number, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, sodium and potassium, ...
Key Players: Advanced Biofuels - David Beattie - ‎Mar 22, 2011‎
To date the plant, has manufactured renewable diesel with a cloud point of 26oF and a cetane value of 88, which the company says is more than twice that of the ATSM - formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials - petroleum diesel ...
SunPower adds public biodiesel station in Wisconsin
Fleet Owner - ‎Mar 17, 2011‎
“ According to SunPower, its biodiesel has a higher cetane rating, has 10 times the lubrication properties, and produces up to 50% less emissions than petroleum diesel fuel—“making it a greener fuel alternative that is just as efficient as petroleum ...


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