Preparation of Raw Mannan and Mannanase from Palm Oil Cake
Posted by Labels: CIS, food agriculture, functional food, Journal, journal of agriculture, Mannanase, Palm Oil Cake, Preparation, Raw Mannan, waste water managementABSTRACT: Mannan, that is many in farm waste and can be a source of biomass besides cellulose and xylan, are still not widely used. During this time utilization of Mannan biomass, mainly from palm oil cake and copra, were more intended for animal feed with a low efficiency of utilization rate. The advances of glico-science and glico-technology provide high benefits in the production of various oligosaccharides which known can be utilized as a functional food.
The degradation of mannan by several types of mannanase enzymes can be obtained mannose and manno-oligosacharides that serves as a functional food which can be utilized as a prebiotic. Waste biomass from industrial of plantations, agriculture and forest products in Indonesia containing mannan polysaccharides, particularly waste from the production of palm oil, copra and coffee, can be used for the production mannosa of and manno-oligosaccharides. By the production of palm oil (crude palm oil, CPO) , it is produced waste of sludge and palm oil cake. About 20 ~ 40% fiber composition of this palm oil cake is a beta-Mannan.
For the fermentation process, the first step is to perform the substances analysis and preparation of Mannan from palm oil cake. The optimum condition of initial preparation by catalytic hydrolysis of palm oil cake is on the use of 150 g / L substrate in water, 2% catalyst, the temperature of 110oC conducted over 1.0 hours . The process of hydrolysis of 250 g / L for palm oil cake in water with 2% catalyst and heating to 90oC for 1.5 hours followed by the deposition process of 1:1 acetone produces samples with Mannan concentration 19.1% .
The result of substrate hydrolysis of palm oil cake using selective microbes, Streptomyces and Saccharoployspora (BTCC collection) showed that qualitatively oligosaccharide compounds was formed. Both isolates of the bacteria produced mannanase enzymes with the highest specific activity after 24 hours of fermentation.
Keywords: palm oil cake, mannan, mannosa, manno-oligosaccharides, functional food
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