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A Soy Tofu Making Guide

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: , , ,

The principle of making soy tofu is to dissolve protein contained in soybean using water as solvent. Once the protein has dissolved, precipitate it by adding precipitating substance to yield clumps of protein that will be formed soy tofu.

  • 5 kgs Soybean
  • Water
  • 1 gram Calcium Sulfate (CaSO4)

  • Large bucket
  • Winnowing stuff
  • Filtering cloth
  • Mixing cloth
  • Mold
  • Basket
  • Bamboo shelf
  • Furnace or stove
  • Crusher

  1. Prepare soybean and wash.
  2. Soak it in water for 8 hours (at least 3 liters of water for 1 kg of soybean). Soybeans will inflate when it is soaked;
  3. When it's done, wash soybean several times. If the soybean was not too clean, the results the tofu produced will quickly become acid;
  4. Crush soybeans, while add warm water little by little until the porridge is formed;
  5. Cook the porridge at 70 ~ 80 oC, keep to not jell (the indicator is the presence of small bubbles);
  6. Filter the soy porridge and precipitate the rest of water using 1 gramof Calcium Sulfate (CaSO4) or 3 ml of vinegar to 1 quart soy milk, stir slowly.
  7. Mold and press the sediment.

Soy Tofu Processing Flow chart

  • The cooking is highly influenced by temperature. 
  • Cooking aims to:
    • Eliminates the odor of soy.
    • Filtering has better yields.
  • Note: the heating also influence protein content. The effect of heating can cause damage to proteins, so it must be done with caution.
  • Milling with cold water causes the odor of soy can not dissapear, so the soy tofu produced is less preferred.


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