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Bapedalda of Jambi is Finding Solutions to Treat Rubber Waste Problem

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: , ,

Crumrubber plants
Environmental Impact Management Agency (Bapedalda) of Jambi is looking for a new formula for treating rubber waste problem at the "crumrubber" plants which operate along the Batanghari riverside. 

Bapedalda head of Jambi province, Ir Murdjani Achmad (7/19) said that the efforts done by the institution is to find solutions for crumrubber plants which operating along Batanghari river for it's waste will no longer pollute the river.

The solution formula they prepare is to reduce the discharge of crumrubber industrial waste so as not to pollute the river or at least the level of pollution become lower and had no impact on the environment.

For the moment the rubber plants management in Jambi are still using the sedimentation system by using alum as an effort to reduce the impact of water pollution.

It's in accordance to Murdjani said that the most dominant and widely used in crumrubber plants in Jambi today are still using alum to precipitate the sedimentation of their waste water.

As an option, for example in the province of South Sumatera, crumrubber plants there has used its waste management system with an activated sludge system.

Activated sludge system pond

For the system of activated sludge, Bapedalda of Jambi Province will implement the system at PT Aneka Bumi Pratama (ABP) which located in areas of Kubu Kandang, and also operates in District of Batanghari along Batanghari riverside.

Murdjani also acknowledged that the implementation of activated sludge system needs so extensive sites and also requires large investments as well.

For the while activated sludge system is only widely used by most companies in the field of oil palm plantations and for the crumrubber plants in Jambi has not much to implement it. 

Jambi, (ANTARA News)

Translated by: Harrys


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