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Crude Palm Oil Quality and Benefit

Posted by Flora Sawita

Crude Palm Oil (CPO) as raw material of food products and others has two aspects of qualityThe first aspect relates to the content and quality of fatty acids, moisture and dirt content. The second aspect related to the flavor, aroma and clarity and purity of the product. Prime quality CPO (SQ, Special Quality) containing fatty acid (FFA, Free Fatty Acid) not more than 2% at the time of shipment. Quality standards for crude palm oil contains no more than 5% FFA. After processing, crude palm oil quality will result in yield 22.1% - 22.2% (highest) and free fatty acid content of 1.7% - 2.1% (lowest).

The quality of crude palm oil can be divided into two meanings, first, completely pure and not mixed with other vegetable oils. The quality of crude palm oil can be determined by assessing the physical characteristics, namely by measuring the melting point saponification and iodine numbers. Second, the definition of oil quality by size. In this case measured by the quality requirements of international quality standard specifications that include levels of FFA, water, dirt, iron, copper, peroxides, and the size of the discoloration. Needs quality crude palm oil used as raw material for food and non food industries each different. Therefore, the authenticity, purity, freshness, and hygienic aspects should be payed. The low quality of crude palm oil is largely determined by many factors. These factors can directly from the nature of the parent tree, post harvest handling, or errors during processing and transportation.

Benefits of the Crude Palm Oil  (CPO) industry:
a. As an alternative fuel Biodiesel
b. As livestock feed nutrition (shells from processed)
c. As the compost materials (shells from processed)
d. As basic materials industries (soap industry, cosmetic industry, food industry)
e. As a drug for prospective high vegetable oil content
f. As a material for particle board (dang rod midrib).


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