The US Project of First Corn-powered Train - First corn-powered train closer to reality the Corn Marketing Program of Michigan (CMPM) strives to create partnerships with businesses and other organizations for the improvement of the corn Michigan. CMPM AHL-TECH has been working with to develop the world's first ethanol-electric hybrid locomotive economy. "AHL-Tech has developed an ethanol hybrid locomotive for the growing demand for ethanol in the U.S. market, and the railroad industry to replace the old diesel-electric locomotive fleet," said Tom Mackin, president and CEO of AHL-TECH. The current diesel-electric locomotives that make up the backbone of the freight fleet ranging from 1000 4400 horsepower (hp). Diesel engines are connected to large generators that drive electric motors that are directly connected to the axles of the locomotive.
Just as the diesel-electric locomotives, ethanol engine powers the generator is connected to the axles of the locomotive. Unlike diesel-electric hybrid ethanol AHL-Tech is also a component of the battery. Instead of a direct correlation between the speed of the motor and the power transmitted to the generator, AHL-Tech offers the possibility to store electricity when the generator produces more power than ever before. This gives the driver the ability to power the motor shafts by using or by using the energy stored in the main battery. It also allows regenerative braking - capturing the energy lost when the locomotive stops.
AHL-TECH graduate of the overall design of 4000 hp, six-axle locomotives (3000 hp six generators, ethanol, hybrid batteries more than 1000 hp) in 2008. This high-powered locomotive is a brand new AHL-TECH, the cab and the body, which meets all the shock resistance of 2,009 U.S. locomotives. In addition, high-power locomotives, AHL-Tech is also designed retrofit package low power (1000-1500 hp) Switcher locomotives using the same components as the higher horsepower locomotives. "We are very excited about the opportunities to retrofit hundreds of very old switcher locomotives in the United States with a clean cloth, the 21 st century technology for ethanol," said Mack.
Since the completion of the design of low power and high in 2008, the AHL-TECH has continued its development efforts, training and sales for its revolutionary line of ethanol-electric hybrid locomotives. In 2009, AHL-TECH able to complete two important steps in the development of its hybrid locomotive, large studies of the battery and energy storage system EMCap.
The study was conducted by the University of Toledo and control EMCap Compressor Company Chelsea, Michigan The results of this study was a final bill of materials, the model of the duration of the energy and cost model for EMCap complete system.
The second study focused on the battery, including the production of the battery tray of the first prototype of the Crown of the battery in Fremont, Ohio, with five in-depth test cycles of the hill. "The test showed that our use of expensive lead-acid batteries based on solid design and modeling," says Mack. "Batteries can certainly provide the necessary power and economy are where we need them to be."
While the second study shows the possibility of battery system AHL-TECH has the recent economic downturn has helped to illustrate the marketability of the design of ethanol. The recent volatility of oil markets, with sudden peaks above 140 dollars a barrel and sharp drop below 40 dollars a barrel, showed people how dangerous our dependence on foreign oil can be. While these markets have somewhat stabilized in recent months, it can not compete with corn and ethanol prices, it has been remarkably stable in comparison. This stability has helped to allay the fears of people who thought there would not be enough ethanol available, or that prices would get out of hand. With fears of political calm and stable wholesale prices, ethanol has proven to be very attractive to buyers of fuel, even at the cost of diesel.
Mack recognizes still face several challenges. "I think the main problem is the teaching. When talking of the AHL-TECH locomotives, the first thing people ask how" small "calorific BTU as ethanol can not compete with" high "Btu of fuel than diesel but missing the point, four factors, which are actually involved, the right to produce ethanol fuel option. BTU is a factor, but so are fuel costs per gallon, engine efficiency and, ultimately, the cost of engine emission control. So even if the lower BTU ethanol is a fuel oil, was significantly lower than the price of a gallon for, "said Mack. Based on data from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, AHL-TECH has created a new model for emissions from ethanol, the locomotive engine, which indicates that there may be ten times cleaner than the emissions of oxides of nitrogen required by the Environmental Protection Agency Tier 4 locomotive emissions guidelines and can virtually eliminate particulate matter.
"No need to add costly filters or catalytic reduction systems to do so. This translates into lower costs for engines and low maintenance cost. It's a win-win-win" Mack said
As work continues on the AHL-TECH project CMPM happy with what the future holds. "With the ethanol is already used in more than 80 percent of the supply of the nation's automotive fuel, we feel the engines running on ethanol are a very promising market for ethanol," said Clark Gerstacker , CMPM President, National Corn Growers Association Corn Board, and corn producer in Midland. "Because corn is the main raw material for ethanol production in the United States could AHL-TECH is ethanol hybrid locomotives open the door to a new untapped market for corn Michigan. CMPM are delighted to be part of this innovative project. "
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