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Bioethanol Stove Made from Waste of "SALAK" Fruits

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: , ,

Adhita Sri Prabakusuma, students at the University of Gadjah Mada, succeeded in making bioethanol-fueled stove made from waste fruits.

"Bioethanol as fuel oil and liquefied petroleum substitute made from waste fruits harvested defective or rotten," he said in Yogyakarta, on Monday.

He said so far, not worth selling fruits are discarded farmers or left to rot in the courtyard garden he barked.

"In Ledoknongko, District Turi, Sleman regency, which is producing 1-3 tons of "salak fruits" waste generated approximately one in one month," he said.

According to him, from 10 kilograms of fruits waste generated at least 1 liter of bioethanol, after earlier, the fermented waste fruits once a week by adding yeast and urea.

"Fermentation liquid is heated with a temperature of 70 degrees Celsius in the distillation tube. The result of this warming will produce bioethanol," he said.

Praba admit not many people who want to treat Hamlet Ledoknongko fruits waste into fuel. "It's not easy to socialize these innovations because the level of public education in the hamlet Ledoknongko different," he said.

He expects innovation to help the community in addressing the waste bark, supports an integrated agricultural program, and in implementing environmentally friendly energy.

Source: Yahoo News


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