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Plant a tree to combat soil erosion: Arbor Day Foundation

Posted by Flora Sawita

Arbor Day is a nationally-celebrated observance that encourages tree planting and care. Founded by J. Sterling Morton in 1872, it's celebrated each Spring. It's not too late to plant a tree and celebrate Arbor Day in your neighborhood.

Did you know that trees fight soil erosion, conserve rainwater, and reduce water runoff and sediment deposit after storms?

The roots of a tree make gaps in the soil so that when it rains the water has space to move around in the soil before being absorbed. When trees are removed and the heavy machinery used in logging compacts the soil and fills all the spaces that allow air and water to get to the roots of plants, it becomes difficult for plants to continue growing or for new plants to grow.

(Compacting soil is similar to when the first snow falls. At first the snow is light and fluffy but once you start walking on it, it becomes hard and close to the ground. It is much more difficult to shovel snow when it is compacted!) When the soil is compacted, and the trees are removed, soil is not held in place by the roots and water is not absorbed by the soil and so during heavy rainfalls, it runs over the compacted soil causing floods.

Eventually, heavy rains lead to soil erosion, as the running water strips the top layer of soil away. The top layer of soil is the most nutritious and without it, it is hard for plants to grow. So, take part in Arbor Day this May by planting a tree. The Arbor Day Foundation has inspired people to plant, nurture and celebrate trees for since 1972 and was established to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first Arbor Day.

The cost of becoming a member is only $10.00 and with that you get 10, yes ten free trees to plant in your yard or give to your neighbors to improve your neighborhod.

Visit the Arbor Day website at to get involved and start planting trees today!


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