CPO: Next Move
Posted by Labels: business opportunity Malaysia, CPO investment, create wealth, crude palm oil, crude palm oil futures, Day trading CPO, make money, palm oil futuresI did not make any comment regarding my forecast on last Monday dated 14th December because the market open not within one of the forecasted levels and also to a few reasons of my own.
At the current situation, the market looks like it is going further up but will the market be so?
My forecast for today is as follows;
1) If the market opens between 2580 to 2596. Sell after the market has moved up passing the levels between 2600 to 2610.
2) If the market opens between 2578 to 2585. Sell after the market has dropped passing the levels between 2568 to 2573.
3) If the market opens between 2563 to 2573. Sell after the market has moved up a bit and then falls 5 points below the opening level.
4) If the market opens other than the above, it is your call..who else?
5) Also refer to my postings dated 12th January, see #6
That's about all, guys....
Have a nice trading day...
P/s Tomorrow is a public holiday in Malaysia for Maal Hijrah
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