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CPO: Still Sideline?

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: , , , , , ,

The CPO ( Crude Palm Oil ) futures for January contract open at 2221 and closed at 2190 yesterday. The highest was at 2221 and the lowest was at 2183. The market ended lower with a black bar.

The market open within one of the suggested forecasts yesterday but did not move accordingly, so no action for yesterday!


The forecast for today is as follows;

1) If the market opens between 2183 to 2193. Sell after the market has passed down the levels between 2170 to 2175.
2) If the market opens between 2194 to 2200. Sell after the market has moved up 5 points above the opening level. More significant if the market opens more towards the upper level of the 2194-to-2200 levels.
3) If the market opens between 2176 to 2188. Sell after the market has passed down the levels between 2165 to 2170.
4) If the market opens between 2165 to 2175. Sell after the market has moved up a bit and then falls to the levels between 2165 to 2170.

OR ( Before 11.40a.m.)

5) If the market opens between 2173 to 2183. Sell after the market has moved up to the levels between 2188 to 2194.
6) If the market opens between 2184 to 2197. Sell after the market has broken the level 2183 and then moves up to the levels between 2188 to 2194.
7) As usual, if the market opens other than the above, it is up to you guys.....
8) Also refer to my posting dated 12th January, see #6

If not whatever you like to do.....Mike

P/s Hillary Clinton's visits to Israel and Palestine have resulted "hillarious" jokes on her mission for the peace talk....hahahahahaha...

9.13am- a little bit of updating


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