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Uganda: Fish exports drop by $20 million

Posted by Flora Sawita

Source: East African Business Week


Monday, 14 September 2009

KAMPALA, UGANDA - Uganda earned $20 million less from fish exports in 2008 compared to 2007, an official has said.

State minister for fisheries, Mr. Fred Mukisa told the media in Kampala last week that in 2008, fish exports to international markets fetched US$155 million from processed fish compared to $117, 360, 000 fetched in 2007.

Compared to 2005 which was Uganda's best year of fish exports, there was a loss of $30 million.

In 2005, Uganda exported fish worth $45 million to international premium markets and earned another $35 million from fish exports to regional markets.

“If you use the value of fish as it was in 2005, the loss is a staggering $50 million from a drop of nearly 16,000 tonnes of processed fish exports,” said Mr. Mukisa.

Mukisa said though the prices of fish have risen on the international market, Uganda cannot take advantage of the elevated prices due to continued abuse of Uganda’s fish resources.

Volumes of fish exports also dropped from 28, 390 tonnes in 2007 to 23, 000 tonnes of processed fish in 2008.

Over fishing, use of wrong fishing gear and trade in immature fish are the biggest evils currently threatening the once booming fish sector in the country, the minister noted.

To counter the challenges, Mukisa said, cabinet has approved the issuance of statutory instruments and new regulations to enforce new licensing measures. Under the new measures, there will be enforcement of closed fishing areas and protection of fish breeding grounds and nurseries.

“Formerly fishermen would access the whole lake without restriction. These areas will be no-go areas for the fishing folk to allow rejuvenation,” the minister emphasized.

Mukisa also said government is moving fast to put in place measures that will remove loopholes that arose out of past management measures which allowed involvement of wrong elements in fisheries management.

He said there are still officers involved in harassing and abetting illegal fishing malpractices by extorting money from people dealing in illegal fish trade and fishing.

Notorious in this area, he said, are officers from Kampala and Wakiso districts.

In a related development, fisheries licensing has been recentralized and starting this month the Department of Fisheries Resources will undertake the licensing exercise.

The exercise will allow for clear identification of the persons, fishing vessels, fish transport vessels, fish processing plants and persons and boat owners among others.


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