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Top 2009 Fuel Efficient Vehicles

Posted by Flora Sawita

Honda was the first company to release a hybrid vehicle in the United States on the mass market in 1999. Toyota followed suit the next year with its Prius, though not as fuel efficient, but it was more appealing cosmetically.

The two companies, Honda and Toyota, ruled the Hybrid market for nearly the last ten years and still dominate the field. It wasn’t until 2004 that the first American company, Ford, released their first Hybrid, with one of their two models being the first hybrid SUV. 2004 was also a big year for Toyota, their Prius having won the Car of the Year Award from Motor Trend Magazine. They saw an increase in demand for their Prius that had consumers on a 6 month waitlist as Toyota struggled to keep up with the high demand for their award-winning Prius.

Now, in the year 2009, after Honda and Toyota being the main hybrid distributors within the United States, they now have new competition from other main auto manufacturers. With the economy still struggling to return to its former glory, many consumers are seeking a way to cut back on their expenses. The cost of gas is still consistently high, making Americans want to find ways to use less.

Now all the well-known car manufacturers have hybrids available for purchase. Chevrolet has six different models to choose from, including General Motors Cadillac Escalade Hybrid. Lexus has joined the market with three luxury hybrids that aim to draw in the high-end clientele who are looking to go green with style. Ford has two hybrid models to choose from and Saturn, Mazda and Nissan have one hybrid currently on the market. Rounding out the list are Honda with two hybrid models, including their popular civic hybrid, and Toyota with three hybrids, one of which being a midsized SUV.

For detail on each hybrid available, as well as the perks you get for purchasing a hybrid (like tax credits), please follow the link below to compare different vehicles when shopping for the latest hybrid vehicles.

Posted by Jamie Dickinson


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