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Investment oil palm processing factory still bright

Posted by Flora Sawita

Investment oil palm processing factory still bright. Development of oil palm processing factory in Indonesia is estimated to begin in 2001 will likely continue to increase in line with the increased consumption of CPO in the world of 2000 was 20.645 million tons and production of 19.962 million tons, and continues to increase until 2010, where the estimated world consumption of CPO will reach 29.0 million tons with production reached 28.571 million tons. Projected production of CPO in the world compared to the need to still have a large market opportunity.

Meanwhile, the demand of CPO in the country, both CPO and PKO to this generally can be met from production in the country. Based on the condition means that the market opportunities both in the country and to export up to at this time is quite good, this shows that the prospects of development with capacity 60 ton / hour palm oil processing factory until now is still quite good and the views of marketing are marketable.

By looking at the development of the area, production and potential new areas of the new oil palm plantation, as has been described previously, the opportunity for the development of oil palm plantation development and palm oil processing factory at this time to still have a future prospect, which is quite good. But this must be supported by all parties and related institutions, especially in terms of ease of funding from banks.

To support this industry sector, the Government of Indonesia still need to make special regulations, so that the CPO can be processed into the final in the country. Regulation is needed to prevent runaway CPO Indonesia to Malaysia and then exported as Malaysian products. Major competitors as Indonesia, Malaysia with its export agencies winning more votes in the CPO is able to organize because the product quality up to the state lobbying importer. Conditions like this will endanger the position of marketing in the CPO market-potential market. Malaysia can re-export of Indonesian CPO claim as their products.

Request sprout palm oil in Indonesia in 2005 reached 500 million sprouts. While the ability to shoot the production of oil palm in Indonesia superior per year up to 90 million. A large area of new oil palm plantations since 2004 caused the demand of oil palm seeds winning jump. With the supply of the shoot, large companies will experience difficulties in the procurement of oil palm shoot, so they would not need to import palm shoot from the outside.

Fluctuations in the price of CPO, companies engaged in the business sector should be able to perform the export of CPO with a minimum contract period of 6 months. This needs to be done in order to maintain the company's performance, especially when the CPO price has decreased.

With analysis of market demand the product of CPO to indicate that growth continues to increase, both at the national level and the world market, it can be concluded that:

Business development in the commodity of oil palm plantations which produce upstream CPO, have a market opportunity that is very good, because the CPO price trend, which continues to increase, in line with the increase in demand volume products. In addition to the development of fuel vegetable that can be updated, making this product the more prospective;
CPO is one of the Indonesian export commodity, the commodity is a product sold widely in the world.

CPO selling price is influenced by supply and demand conditions in the world market, both for the product itself and CPO substitution other products such as soybean oil (Soya Oil).

CPO products as competitors are other vegetable oils which is a product substitution, especially Soya Oil. In the market, this product can be said CPO is very competitive, this is a product of CPO cheapest compared to other product substitution is associated with the high level of efficiency, product CPO. Productivity of land for CPO is 3200 kg / ha, far greater than the productivity of the land for other vegetable oils.


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