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Posted by Flora Sawita

What is renewable energy?Renewable energy is sourced from the sun, wind, water and waste, all of which produce limited greenhouse gas emissions.

What is accredited renewable energy?Today around 90 per cent of electricity generated in Australia is still generated from the burning of fossil fuels. The benefit of accredited renewable energy is that it does not burn fossil fuels like coal or natural gas which add greenhouse gas emissions to our atmosphere and contribute to climate change. The accreditation means that an independent third party ensures these renewable energy products meet a certain standard.

What environmental benefits should accredited renewable energy deliver?For the energy you use, purchasing accredited
renewable energy should:
• cut your greenhouse gas emissions;
• reduce your contribution to climate change;
• help drive demand for greener energy; and
• develop the renewable energy sector, helping it to compete with less costly, but more polluting coal and gas based generation.

Where does the electricity go?
Your purchase of accredited renewable energy does not mean your electricity will come directly from a renewable source to your property. Instead the equivalent amount of new renewable energy is added to the electricity grid on your behalf every year so you will be responsible for a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

I myself have not been up to date on alot of this information I have ran into. For example:

What Is GreenPower?

GreenPower is a national government renewable energy accreditation program which organises publicly available independent auditing of energy provider sales and purchase records. Accredited GreenPower products are available from all Australian energy providers. GreenPower is run by the NSW Government on behalf of Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia Governments.

Choosing a GreenPower product

 Look for the GreenPower logo to make sure the product is GreenPower accredited and delivers the best environmental standards.

 Check what proportion of the product is GreenPower. You can choose what
percentage (10, 20, 25, 50, 75 or 100 per cent) of your electricity account you would like to come from GreenPower to best suit your budget. It is recommended that you buy 100 per cent GreenPower products for the elimination of all your electricity-related greenhouse gas emissions.

 The percentage of accredited GreenPower should be clearly displayed in the retailers’ marketing material and included as part of the GreenPower logo.

Tonia Castilleja


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