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Techniques of procedures valuation to get good reporting

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: , , ,

Techniques of reporting procedures of valuation

Collecting Data 

Accept Contract or instructions that have been approved with the client, and has been through the process of evaluating the assignment in accordance with the Quality Control SOP assignment. 
Define scope of work and the property assessed. 
Evaluate the assignment in accordance with the Quality Control SOP assignment. Based on the results of the evaluation, set the team work for inspection and evaluation of the assessment. 
Make sure that the available documents and related assets is complete. If not complete, follow up to the Client. 
Create a letter for the Task assessors, and provide instruction in accordance with the scope and object of the work assessed. 

Receive Letters from Task Manager. 
Make a field visit (visit site). 
Make a note on the data field based on the Working Paper and the related assets. 
Perform the verification information 
If necessary, ask for data from the source of information or reference. 
Collect benchmark data according to the minimal set SPI. Use of the data, including: interviews, visits, discussions and other approaches that fit with the SPI. 
Special assessments for special properties, assessors must explore the approach of reference and analysis of special properties. 
Make a shooting on the property. 
Make sure the data was in accordance with the provisions of Standard valuation: 
If not, do the following benchmark data 
If appropriate, note on the Paper Work 
Working Paper distribute and document inspection results to the Manager to be evaluated. 

Together with assessors/valuer who are appointed, do the preparation of a draft initial assessment report. 
Discuss assessment results with the Director of Engineering. 
Perform verification of data provided by: 
If the data does not match, ask to be re-inspections conducted 
If appropriate data, stack draft assessment report 
Distributed to the Director of Engineering. 

Technical Director 
Do re-examination of reports and data provided. 
Perform verification of data provided by: 
If the data does not match, ask to be re-inspections conducted 
If appropriate data, stack draft assessment report 
Distribute to the Production. 

If the client asks for an indication of the assessment, then that can be given after the assessment is through this stage in the form of a short indication of the assessment report. 

Perform Rating drafting reports based on the evaluation of the Manager and Quality Control Officer. 
Manager to distribute to be evaluated. 

Ensure consistency of data between the previous draft approved by the Rating Reports: 
If it does not fit, return to production to be. 
If appropriate, continue the process. 
Continue the process of finalization. 

Working Paper and distribute draft reports to the Director of Engineering. 

Technical Director 
Evaluation of consistency between Paper and draft reports. 
If the data on the Working Paper and the draft report does not return to production according to the revision draft reports. 
If the data on the Working Paper and the draft reports have been appropriate, continue the process. 
Give approval to the draft inspection report as evidence. Distribute to the Production Report for the Final. 

Create a Final Report based on the evaluation and review of draft reports. 
Manager to distribute. 

Evaluation of the draft reports and final reports. 
If it does not fit, return to production to be revised. 
If appropriate, give approval initials. 
Distribute to the Quality Control Officer. 

Quality Control Officer 
Evaluation of the draft reports and final reports. 
If it does not fit, return to production to be revised. 
If appropriate, give approval initials. 
Distributed to the Director. 

Evaluation of the draft reports and final reports. 
If it does not fit, return to production to be revised. 
If appropriate, give approval signature. 
Distribute to the production process for the delivery or handover to the client. 


Make Final report to the Client. 
Ensure the Client has signed the Receipt Report. 
After receiving the Receipt Reports, together with documentation on file from the client's work.


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