Continuous Improvement Definition
- Continuous -- 1 : marked by uninterrupted extension in space, time, or sequence
- Improvement -- 1 : the act or process of improving. 2 a : the state of being improved; especially : enhanced value or excellence b : an instance of such improvement : something that enhances value or excellence
Names of Continuous Improvement
- Kaizen
- Six Sigma
- Plan, Do, Study, Act (Deming Cycle)
- Total Quality Management
- Lean
Keys to Success
- “Pareto mentality” (quantification)
- Leadership from the top
- Infrastructure to support efforts
- Training
- Simple, powerful methodology and tools
- Moved people into action
- Enabled people to make changes
- Tools needed
- Information needed
- Have to challenge assumptions
- What do you not know?
- Working together
So – What is Continuous Improvement?
- You need to determine what that means for your company.
- During my journey, it has become evident that it means something different for every company and to your customer.
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