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Lowongan Kerja Migas Abu Dhabi UAE

Posted by Flora Sawita

Institution: The Petroleum Institute (PI) was created in 2001 with the goal of establishing itself as a world-class institution in engineering education and research in areas of significance to the oil and gas and the broader energy industries. The PI's sponsors and affiliates include Abu Dhabi National Oil Company and four major international oil companies.

The campus has modern instructional laboratories and classroom facilities and is now in the planning phase of three major research centers on its campus. The PI is affiliated with the Colorado School of Mines, the University of Maryland (College Park), and Leoben and Linz Universities. PI is in the process of developing future working relationships with other major universities and research institutions around the world to capitalize on joint research areas of interest. For additional information, please refer to the PI website:

Petroleum Geosciences Engineering Positions

The Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi is seeking applications in Petroleum Geosciences Engineering for the following positions:
Program Chairman
Faculty at all levels
(Chaired and Distinguished Professor,
Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor)
Research Associate
Research Assistant
Lab Engineer
Post Doc Fellows

Candidates are encouraged to submit applications at the earliest convenience. Review of applications begins upon receipt and positions remain open until successfully filled.

Candidates are encouraged to submit applications as soon as possible, indicating their timeframe availability.

Details are available on PI-web site:

P.O.Box: 2533 - Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.- -


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