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Posted by Flora Sawita


Discover the Power of Nature

Cordyceps is a precious medicinal herb, prized as one of the three rare, nourishing TCM delicacies along with Panax Ginseng and Pilose Antler. Studies suggest that Cordyceps contains a variety of proteins, amino acids, polysaccharides, fatty acids and vitamins, which have numerous medicinal benefits but no known negative side effects. For centuries, this remarkable herb has been used to treat lung and kidney disorders, and treasured as a tonic to promote longevity, vitality and endurance.


These days, Cordyceps is cultivated using advance biotechnology (artificial fermentation or spore reproduction) to deliver an effective, premium formulation. Packaged in a convenient format, HERBSnSENSESTM Cordyceps is proven to contain 16 to 33 times higher active ingredients than Cordyceps grown in the wild.

History of HERBSnSENSESTM Cordyceps

It has long been believed that natural herbs have the power to not only treat illnesses and cure diseases, but also strengthen one's overall health without negative side effects. And, thanks to new advances in medical technology, the potency and effectiveness of natural herbs is today more enhanced than ever. Amezcua Body and Health combine unrefined, all-natural herbs with the breakthroughs of modern science, resulting in a range of superior quality products designed to boost physical health and general well being.

A Treasure of the Ancient Chinese Royals

Cordyceps, also called dong chong xia cao, was accidentally discovered by yak herders in the Himalayan regions of Tibet and Nepal. Observing changes in the yaks, the herders discovered that the strength of these wild oxen improved dramatically after they grazed in the area where Cordyceps grew. This herb has since become an important ingredient in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Due to its obscure habitat, Cordyceps was a rare medicine indeed, and therefore also one of the most expensive. Its steep price meant Cordyceps was out of reach of the average Chinese, and used exclusively by the very wealthy, namely, members of the Emperor's court. The first Emperor of China consumed Cordyceps religiously as a tonic for longevity, while the legendary Chinese beauty Yang Kue-Fei was believed to have taken the herb regularly, crediting it as her fountain of youth. The first scientifically reliable depiction of Cordyceps was written by Wu-Yiluo in the Ben-Cao-Cong-Xin (New Compilation of Materia Medica) during the Qing Dynasty.


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