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Oil Palm - Elaeis guineensis (4)

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels:


As fruit ripen, they change from black (or green in virescens types) to orange, but have varying degrees of black cheek color depending on light exposure and cultivar. However, fruit abscission is the best index of bunch ripeness.

Harvest Method
Fruit bunches are harvested using chisels or hooked knives attached to long poles. Each tree must be visited every 10-15 days as bunches ripen throughout the year.

Postharvest Handling
Oil extraction is a complex process, carried out by large mills that may process up to 60 tons of fruit per hour, or by small scale mills in rural villages that produce only about 1 ton of oil in an 8 hour shift. Oil extraction from fruit follows the same basic steps in either case:

  1. Steam sterilization of bunches (inactivates lipase enzymes and kills microorganisms that produce free fatty acids, reducing oil quality)
  2. Stripping fruit from bunches
  3. Crushing, digestion, and heating of the fruit
  4. Oil extraction from macerated fruit (hydraulic pressing)
  5. Palm oil clarification
  6. Separating fiber from the endocarp
  7. Drying, grading, and cracking of the endocarp
  8. Separating the endocarp from the kernel
  9. Kernel drying and packing
The product of step 5 is termed crude palm oil, which must be refined to remove pigments, free fatty acids, and phospholipids, and to deodorize it. The final product, termed "refined, bleached, deodorized" palm oil is produced.

Bunches are first steam sterilized in large tanks to inactivate enzymes

Palm oil processing. Bunches are transported to the mill and weighed

Palm oil is stored in large steel tanks at 88-105°F to keep it in liquid form during bulk transport. The tank headspace is often flushed with CO2 to prevent oxidation. Higher temperatures are used during filling and draining tanks. Maximum storage time is about 6 months at 88°F.


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