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social differentiation

Posted by Flora Sawita

structural difrentiation ;
a concept associated with EVOLUTIONARY THEORIES of history and with structural functionalism. Societies are seen as moving from the simple to the complex via a process of social change based on structural differentiation.

the process may be imangined, in its simple form, asn an amoeba dividing, redividing again. So called simple societies are tribal societies where everithing happens within and through the kinship system. in modern complex societies there are separate institutions of education, work, government, religion, and so forth, while the family now has more spesific and limited roles such as early socialization. differentiation involves the increasing specialization of different subsystem and institution within the society.

Talcot parsons sees the process as involving three stages; a process of differentiation; a process of adaptation and reintegration; and finaly the establishment of a more generela system of values whics holds the more complex society to adapt to its physical and social environment. The basic idea of evolutinary can be found in herbert spencer,1876-1933, and the most general expoused by parsons.

evolutionary theories has been criticized by sociologist during the past two decades; such as anthony giddens; said; the society is not as simple at all.

.......dictionary of sociology, oxford, gordon marshall, 1998.


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