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RTRS - Argentine soy harvest may exceed 50 million tonnes -analyst

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels:

BUENOS AIRES, March 1 (Reuters) - Argentina's 2012/13 soy harvest should reach at least 50 million tonnes, more than recent estimates by local grain exchanges, as yields in early seeded crops beat expectations, an Argentine analyst said on Friday.

The South American country is the world as No. 3 soybean supplier and its top exporter of soyoil and soymeal. A lack of rain since the start of the year has driven global prices higher, although recent showers have brought relief.

According to analyst Pablo Adreani, head of the Agripac consultancy, soy crops planted early in the season have not been as badly affected by weeks of hot, dry weather as later-planted crops due to plentiful rains last year.

"The situation is much better than last year. The early-planted beans and corn look excellent with yields that could probably reach the record," Adreani told the Reuters Ags Forum, an online chatroom for grain traders.

Drought hit Argentina's crops in the previous 2011/12 season and soy production was a weak 40.1 million tonnes. Corn output was 21 million tonnes.

Adreani said yields in Santa Fe province, one of the country's biggest grain producers, are coming in above 3.0 tonnes per hectare in early planted beans, about 15-20 percent more than during last year's harvest.

He said farmers were about to start gathering crops in the main agriculture belt, estimating that they would sell about 15 million tonnes of grain in the next 45 days.

"After that, farmers will sit on the beans and they will only sell in a drip-drop way to meet some commercial commitments," he said.

Earlier this week, Buenos Aires Grains Exchange cut its estimate for the soy harvest to 48.5 million tonnes. Rosario grains exchange expects production of 48 million tonnes.

With regard to the upcoming wheat campaign, which will begin in May, Adreani said government export curbs could cause another disappointing season by deterring farmers from planting.

Last season, growers produced 9.8 million tonnes of wheat, according to the Buenos Aires exchange.

"I don't believe Argentina could have been a reliable supplier of wheat to Brazil. There was a serious attack of fusarium (fungi), about 40 percent of the wheat was bad quality (and) could only be sold as feed wheat."

"This year (2013/14), we could see another reduction in wheat area if the government doesn't change its anti-export policy," he said.


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