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Weighbridge Station

Posted by Flora Sawita


To weigh in-take of raw material , dispatches of products (Coal) and other by products such miscellaneous items like diesel, scrap iron and etc.

Untuk menimbang bahan masuk ,pengiriman produk (Batubara) dan produk – produk lainnya seperti solar, besi tua dan lain- lain.


2.1 Weighbridge platform and load cells.

Penampang jembatan timbang dan load cells

2.2 Weighing machine, personal computer and printer.

Mesin timbang, computer peribadi dan pencetak.



Penerimaan Solar

1. Security guard receives the DN diesel delivery chit from drivers.

Petugas keamanan menerima surat pengiriman Solar dari supir.

2. Security guard stamps on the chit and record inside his DN receiving book.

Details include :- a) Date,

b) Vehicle number,

c) Vendor name,

d) Delivery order receipt number.

Petugas keamanan memberi stempel surat pengiriman dan mencatat pada buku penerimaan Batubara/ solar. Data yang dimasukkan : a) Tanggal

b) Nomor Registrasi kendaraan

c) Nama Contractor/Vendor

d) Nomor surat pengiriman

3. Driver gives delivery chit to the weighbridge operator.

Supir memberi surat pengiriman kepada operator jembatan timbang.

4. Weighbridge operator receives the delivery chit and keys in particulars in the computer.

Details include :- a) Contractor/ Vendor name,

b) Driver Name,

c) Vehicle number,

d) Receipt number.

Operator jembatan timbang menerima surat pengiriman dan memasukkan kedalam komputer. Data yang dimasukkan: a) Nama kontraktor/ suplier

b) Nama sopir

c) Nomor registrasi kendaraan

d) Nomor surat pengiriman

5. Vehicle is weighed on the weighbridge platform by the weighbridge operator and witnessed by the driver.

Truk ditimbang pada jembatan timbang oleh operator jembatan timbang dan disaksikan oleh supir kendaraan.

6. Vehicle delivers the diesel to the fuel tank. After unloading diesel, vehicle returns to the platform. Weighbridge operator weighs the tare weight of the vehicle and witnessed by the driver.

Supir kendaraan mengantar solar ke tangki timbun , setelah menurunkan solar/ memuat batubara kendaraan kembali ke timbangan. Operator jembatan timbang menimbang berat tara dan disaksikan oleh supir kendaraan.

7. Weighbridge operator keys in the tare weight and prints out the weighing ticket with the gross, tare, diesel/ coal weight and net weights printed.

Operator jembatan timbang menimbang kendaraan masukkan berat tare dan mencatat berat total, tara, dan netto solar.

8. Weighbridge operator signs on the printed weighbridge ticket and :-

a) Gives the driver the first and second copy,

b) Retain the third copy with the contractor/ supplier delivery chit.

Operator jembatan timbang menandatangani karcis timbangan dan :

a) Berikan kepada supir copy karcis pertama dan kedua.

b) Menahan copy karcis yang ketiga dengan surat pengiriman dari supplier/ contractor.

9. Security guard checks the weighbridge ticket and notes the particulars inside the diesel receiving book :-

Particulars include :- a) Net weight,

b) Weighbridge ticket number,

c) Time in and time out.

Petugas keamanan memeriksa karcis timbangan dan mencatat data-data pada buku penerimaan solar antara lain:

a) Berat netto

b) Nomor karcis timbangan

c) Waktu masuk dan waktu keluar

10. Vehicle is allowed to leave as soon as the particulars are recorded.

Kendaraan diizinkan untuk segera pergi setelah data-data dicatat.

11. At end of the day, summary of coal hauling/ diesel received is printed out and all weighbridge tickets are bundled and properly kept.

Pada waktu selesai kerja, ringkasan penerimaan truck angkut batubara/solar dicatat dan semua karcis timbangan disusun dan disimpan.

12. All tickets for purchased coal hauling/ diesel are handed to office for payment and record books for signature of manager or higher level.

Semua tiket untuk pembelian solar agar diserahkan ke kantor untuk pembayaran dan buku catatan ditanda tangani oleh Manager atau atasan.


Pengiriman Batubara

1. The security guard receives the coal delivery chit from the driver.

Petugas keamanan menerima surat pengiriman batubara dari supir.

2. Security guard stamps on the chit and records inside his record book.

Details include :- 1) Date,

2) Vehicle number,

3) Transporter name,

4) Time in,

5) Driver name,

6) I/C and driving license number.

Petugas keamanan menstempel surat dan dicatat dalam buku catatan. Data yang dimasukan :

1) tanggal

2) Nomor polisi kendaraan

3) Nama pengangkutan

4) Waktu masuk

5) Nama supir

6) Nomor SIM dan KTP supir

3. Driver gives the delivery chit to the weighbridge operator.

Supir memberikan surat pengiriman kepada operator jembatan timbang.

4. Weighbridge operator receives the delivery chit and keys in the particulars in the computer.

Details include :- 1) Vehicle number,

2) Transporter name,

3) Product,

4) Driver name,

5) I/C and driving license number,

6) Buyer name,

7) Contract number

Operator jembatan timbang menerima surat pengiriman dan memasukan datanya kedalam komputer.

Data yang harus dimasukan: 1) Nomor polisi kendaraan

2) Nama pengangkutan

3) Produk

4) Nama supir

5) Nomer SIM dan KTP supir

6) Nama pembeli

7) Nomor kontrak

5. Security guard carries out security check on the empty truck.

Petugas keamanan mengecek truk yang kosong.

6. After security clearance truck is weighed on the weighbridge platform by the weighbridge operator and witnessed by the driver. The driver is given an authorization chit signed by the manager or his authorized person to load coal.

Setelah pemeriksaan truk ditimbangan oleh operator jembatan timbang dan disaksikan oleh supir. Supir diberikan surat izin memuat batubara yang disahkan oleh Manager atau wakilnya.

7. Truck proceeds to dispatch bay to load coal accompanied by the dispatch clerk for queued. After loading truck returns to the weighbridge platform for weighing. Truk menuju ketempat pemuatan batubara dan didampingi oleh petugas pengiriman untuk ikut dalam antrian. Setelah truck diisi kembali ketimbangan untuk ditimbang

8. Again the security guard carries out check on the loaded truck to ensure whether it is properly covered with canvas before second weighing. The corners of the canvas together with the fastening rope is then sealed on both sides using lead seals (at least 3 seals on each side).

Petugas keamanan mencek kembali untuk memastikan truk yang sudah diisi apakah penutup terpalnya sudah pantas sebelum ditimbang kembali. Sudut – sudut terpal dengan tali ikatannya dilocis pada kiri kanan (sekurang – kurangnya 3 kali pada tiap sisi).

9. Weighbridge operator weighs the loaded truck and print out the weighing ticket with the gross, tare and net weight printed.

Operator jembatan timbang menimbang truk yang sudah diisi dan mencetak tiket timbangan dengan berat bruto, tara dan netto.

10. Weighbridge operator and driver sign on the printed weighbridge ticket before being signed by the manager or his authorized person.

Operator jembatan timbang dan supir menandatangani tiket jembatan timbang sebelum ditandatangani oleh manager atau wakilnya.

11. Weighbridge operator fills in the coal contract and dispatch book before submitting together with the ticket to the manager or his authorized person for signature.

Operator jembatan timbang memasukan data kontrak batubara dan buku pengiriman sebelum diserahkan bersama tiket timbangan kepada Manager atau wakilnya untuk ditandatangani.

12. After the manager or his authorized person signs the tickets, two copies of the weighbridge tickets are given to the driver, one for the transporter and one for the coal buyer. The weighbridge operator retains two copies, one for marketing together with the delivery order chit, and one for site office file. The truck shall proceed to security clearance, after the security guard records the particulars in his record book, the truck is allowed to leave the mill.

Setelah disahkan oleh Manager atau wakilnya, 2 copy tiket jembatan timbang diberikan kesupir dengan maksud 1 untuk pengangkutan, 1 untuk pembeli batubara. Operator jembatan timbang menahan 2 copy dengan maksud,1 untuk marketing bersama surat pengiriman dan 1 untuk file kantor . Truck pembawa hasil (batubara) menuju ke pos keamanan, setelah petugas keamanan mencatat dengan teliti kedalam buku catatan, truk diperbolehkan meninggalkan pabrik.

13. At the end of the day, the weighbridge operator shall print out the summary and list out the dispatches in coal record book.

Setelah pengiriman selesai, operator timbangan mencatat ringkasan dalam buku catatan pengiriman batubara.

14. The summary and coal dispatch book shall be submitted to the manager or his authorized person for checking.

Catatan ringkasan dan buku pengiriman batubara dapat diajukan kepada Manager atau wakilnya untuk diperiksa.


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