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Protein for kids

Posted by Flora Sawita

Protein is an important staple in our diet no matter whatage you are. I for one have lots of experience with picky eaters and I am sure alot of you out there do as well. I want to help you find some good high proteinfoods for your kids and those picky eaters in your life. Here is a list of thetop high protein foods for children as found at

·           Eggs- these can be given to kids in the form ofscramble eggs and omelettes of a great and sneaky way to get them to eat themis in French toast!

·        Shrimp- this can be a bit more difficult to getkids to eat (I didn’t try shrimp until my late teens!) but experiment withdifferent ways of cooking it and you are bound to find a way they will eat it.It can even be pureed and mixed into other foods!

·        Orange roughy (fish) - it has a very mild not “fishy”taste. It is very high in protein (half your child’s recommend daily value inone serving) and again you can experiment with different cooking techniques tosee what you can get away with.

·        Lentils- they can be pureed and mixed into somany soups and sauces and can even be used as a replacement for ground beef inspaghetti sauce. 

·        Chicken breast- chicken is such a versatile fooditem. If you can’t find a recipe your kids will enjoy then start digging aroundthe internet your are bound to find a few ways they will eat it. Think pizza orusing chicken as an alternative to ground beef where you would usually use it. 

·        Salmon- suggests lining upvarious dipping sauces for your child to try with their salmon so they may finda way they enjoy it. You may even find some new ways for yourself to eat thisseafood favorite.

·        Lean beef- as long as you are using lean meat,beef is a great choice for your dinner table. It can be used in numerous saucesand soups and what kid doesn’t like a hamburger?

·        Soybeans- these can be ground up and mixed intoa hamburger or even be found in numerous veggie burgers. You can also boil andlightly salt edamame as a great movie time snack alternative to popcorn (it’sone of my favorites!)


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