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The grass-fed vs. grain-fed beef debate

Posted by Flora Sawita

CNNHealth, featured a very interesting experiment/article from Cooking Lightmagazine in March of last year. Kim Cross wanted to test the difference between grass-fed and grain-fedbeef.  Her test included health,price, and taste. 
            Theywere quite clever to purchase half a cow of the grass-fed, which met the priceof the cheapo super market meat (averaging all types of beef together) and blewaway premium prices like Whole Foods and other grass-fed or organically raisedbeef.  This also causes a majorissue for the average consumer because not everyone has the freezer space forthat much meat.  243 pounds ofbeef, assuming you eat meat for every meal every day it will still last twopeople almost a year.  But theyalso suggest a “cowpool” which is interesting on many levels. 

Andwhile the number of U.S. grass-fed beef producers is rising -- from 50 in 2002to more than 2,000 today -- they face big challenges, including higheroperating costs, a shortage of processors, loose standards for the definitionof "grass-fed," a lack of consistent quality, and consumer warinessabout taste and texture.

The tasting tests goes onfor a very long time.  Whilestudies show that the more lean cows like Brangus are much healthier and evenhave more vitamins and omega-3 in the fat, there is much less fat.  Cooking some of the tougher cuts can bechallenging, and need to have a very slow and careful approach or you may bedealing with a very tough chew and little taste.

When all is summed up frommy read, I’ve decided for myself that if I want to eat healthy and in a moresustainable way, grass-fed is not the way to go.  I would rather choose a different source of protein entirelythan suffer the cost, effort, and taste.


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