The "Incredible Edible Egg!"
Posted byFor those that are choosing to transition to, or whoare already following, a healthy and protein-filled diet it is important not toforget the wonderful properties that can be found in eggs! Eggs are in so manythings that people eat every day that a lot of us do not realize the amountthat we consume. The average American person eats somewhere between 200 and 300eggs a year! Eggs provide the nutrients Lysozyme, lutein, Riboflavin, Niacin, andmany more. They are also used in the manufacturing of vaccines and beauty aids.
Here are some interesting facts about eggs:
- Egg whites contain no cholesterol, so they are a great way to make omelets that are heart healthy!
- Both brown and white eggs are equally as nutritious.
- True free-range eggs are those produced by hens that have access to nesting boxes, open floor space, perches and have access to outdoor runs.
- Fresh shell eggs can be kept refrigerated in their carton for at least 4 - 5 weeks beyond the pack date.
- Eggs supply high-quality protein and a variety of important vitamins and minerals at a very low price.
- Hard-cooked eggs, in the shell or peeled, will keep for one week in a covered container in the refrigerator.
- Eggland’s Eggs are a kosher food.
- A hen can produce more than 200 eggs a year.
There are many people who follow a vegetarian diet,but eat eggs and dairy as a source of protein; this diet is called Ovo-lactovegetarianism. Eggs are a wonderful source of protein and can be easily mixedinto your daily diet. So give the “Incredible Edible Egg” a try!
For more information on eggs, their health benefits,and nutrition facts visit The American Egg Board at Thereis also information on the egg industry, production, and consumption.
Behrenbeck, Thomas.(2012, January 12). Eggs:Are they good or bad for my cholesterol? Retrieved from
Stradley, Linda. Frequently Asked Questions about Raw Eggs.
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