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Eco-friendly Protein Sources From Around the World

Posted by Flora Sawita

In certaincultures around the world, creatures like beetles, stink bugs, and grubs arenot seen as pests, but as food items.  In places where protein sources arerare, they are a vital part of the diet.  These creatures are quiteeco-friendly as food.  They consume relatively little, and do not requiregrazing land or antibiotics.  Perhaps these crawling, wiggling animalswill have a role to play in a greener future.
Beetles are fried or roasted and are said to taste likescallops. They are a cheap treat, where they are readily available in the wildand are whole, with shells and all.

Witchetty grubs are traditional food that will turn into amoth if not eaten first. They are eaten raw or cooked in the ashes of a fire.


Mosquito eggs are sold in local markets. They are dried androasted and eaten wrapped in tortillas or with a squeeze of lime or lemon. 


Termites are a popular protein source. They grow up to threeinches in size. The are eaten raw and have a high amount of calories for theirsize. Mopani, a catepillar is eaten after being dried or fried.

East Africa

Shield-shaped stink bugs survive by sucking sap out ofplants. These large bugs are sweet tasting and not everyone finds their “stink”to be fowl.



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