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Protein on the go!

Posted by Flora Sawita

In a day of fast food and convenience it can be difficult tomake healthy and protein filled choice when not at home. It is recommendedthat, in order to keep the metabolism working properly, we should be eating upto five small meals a day and those meals should be protein rich. The problemis the difficulty carrying around traditional proteins and keeping thingsinteresting so that a healthy diet can be attainable. Who is going to carryaround a chicken breast or steak in their purse or back pocket? It can beagreed upon that the key to keeping a healthy diet on-the-go is planning, sowhy not make sure that there are plenty of protein rich snacks with you atpretty much all times?

Here are some ideas for protein on-the-go that do not needto be refrigerated:

Jerky- high in protein, low in fat, various flavors, andlow-sodium options

Soy nuts- high in protein, fills the need for that “crunchy”snacks, many flavors

Nuts- Almonds, peanuts, and cashews are protein filled

Protein Powders- can be added to water and come in manybrands/flavors

Protein bars/energy bars- come in many flavors/brands

Tuna- Believe it or not it is now available in sealed pouchesthat do not need refrigeration

If you are at work and have a desk you can keep a few thingsin consider keeping a small container of peanut or almond butter handy withsome whole wheat crackers. There are always good choices that can be at theready for healthy snacks with just a little planning.

Bonci, Leslie. (2011, Nov). 6 Grad-and-Go Proteins That FillYou Up. Retrieved from

Mohrman, Jon. (2011, Oct 18). How to Get Protein at the Office.Retrieved from


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