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Australia: Storm-hit farmers get financial boost

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: , , ,

Natural disaster help is on offer to farmers hit by devastating late November storms near West Wyalong and in Tumbarumba Shire's north-east.

The help on offer includes low interest loans and subsidies.

New South Wales Primary Industries Minister Katrina Hodgkinson says 15 properties around West Wyalong lost winter crops and suffered damage to pasture, fodder, roads, irrigation systems and fencing.

Around Tumbarumba, vineyard and apple crops were damaged, with grape losses ranging from 10 to 40 per cent.

Rural financial counsellor Lisa Minogue says heavy rain, hail and wind caused more than $1 million in losses around West Wyalong, decimating winter crops.

"We also some horrific damage to relatively new sheds, wind simply got into and blew them out just like a balloon," Ms Minogue said.

"Other sheds were lifted straight out of the ground. Farmers reported seeing water where they'd never seen it and it's taken out a substantial amount of fences as well."

Ms Minogue says the aid on offer includes loans and subsidies to move stock or fodder.

"The farmers are able to apply for a maximum amount of $130,000 natural disaster loan and that's administered by the NSW Rural Assistance Authority," she said.

"It is a loan and not a grant and as such is adding to the borrowings of farmers but the fact that it is at concessional interest rates is a great help."


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