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Rwanda, Brazzaville in fish farming cooperation

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: , , ,

Congo Brazzaville is making major steps to learn from Rwanda's strides in fish farming in order to follow the same path in developing its fisheries industry.

The Congolese Minister in charge of fisheries Matson Hellot Mampouya and his Rwandan counterpart Agnes Kalibata in Kigali last week signed an agreement to strengthen cooperation in the fisheries sector.

Kalibata told East African Business Week a day after the agreement was signed that the Congolese seek to learn from what Rwanda has done in developing the fisheries sector so that they can do the same.

"The fact that we have developed several programs to develop our fisheries sector they want to learn from us because they looked at some of the things we have done and they are happy about them," said Kalibata.

Rwanda currently produces 13,000 tons of fish annually and it targets to increase production to 25,000 tons by end of 2012 due to major steps taken to develop the sector.

However, the current production is only 50% of the available demand but Kalibata said that increased production could also lead to fish exports to Brazzaville. She said that Rwanda could also import seafood from Brazzaville.

Cooperation between the two countries strengthened when President Paul Kagame of Rwanda visited Congo Brazzaville in November last year and extended an invitation to his Congolese counterpart Denis Sassou N'Guesso.

During N'Guesso’s visit to Kigali, the Congolese Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Rwandan Minister for foreign affairs and cooperation signed cooperation agreements.

Since President Kagame's visit to Brazzaville, Rwanda has taken advantage of the budding cooperation and launched commercial activities with the Central African country. Since March, Rwanda's flag carrier RwandAir operates direct flights a week to Brazzaville from Kigali.


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