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Edible Gold Peanuts are the latest rage in Korea

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: , ,

(Business Insider) Most people like wearing gold, or investing in it. But in Korea, the latest trend is to eat it, infused in peanuts, according to Jeju Weekly (via the Rich Times).

Golden Woodo, the company making the metal-laced legumes, says its product is so popular that it can't keep up with retailer demand, Jeju Weekly reported.

The idea for golden peanuts struck company CEO Kang Chang Yoon after he read a newspaper article on golden rice, and noticed a hot market for luxury foods on grocery store shelves.

The peanut plants are watered with a gold-water solution made by a nanotechnology company and infused with tiny nanoparticles extracted from gold bars. The company initially planned to sell the peanuts whole, but has changed its business model to sell chocolates containing the golden peanuts in an effort to meet demand.
In addition to a luxurious image, they're believed to have health benefits, including anti-aging and IQ-boosting properties, Jeju Weekly reported.

At around $10.50 for six ounces, the nuts aren't cheap. But that hasn't stopped anyone from snapping them up.


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