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Palm Oil, Food, Cooking

Posted by Flora Sawita

Just a Brief Info,

The palm oil is a tropical plant that grows in warm climates that gifted to the world for the human health. Consumed since more than many thousand years ago, its nutritional value, health benefits and value as a natural resource continue to be discovered even more today.

First Palm Oil was brought from Gulf of Guinea in West Africa and introduced to Malaysia in 1870 as an ornamental plant. Its scientific name is Elaeis Guineensis Jacq. and its popular name is Oil Palm. Palm Oil is now a leading agricultural crop. Since then, increased planting, cultivation and refinement have led to the introduction of a wide range of processed palm oil products. Today, palm fruit oil and palm oil products are used in many food and non-food applications. They can be used for frying media and for making margarines, shortenings, soap, oleo chemicals and other products.

Oil palm is the only fruit that can give two types of oil, extracted from the fruit of the oil palm (Elaeis Guineensis) which are chemically different.

Palm oil comes from the mesocarp (flesh of the fruit) and the lauric palm kernel oil from the kernel at the fruit's core. The two oils are separated in the oil palm bunches by the thick shell of palm kernels.Semi-solid at room temperature, these oils or fats can be affectionate into solid and liquid fractions known as steaminess and oleins respectively. They can also be processed through physical or chemical refining to yield either refined, bleached and deodorized (RBD) or neutralized, bleached and deodorized (NBD) palm oil and palm kernel oil. Combinations of these processes lead to various types of palm oil and palm kernel oil products.

Palm Oil Activities.

  Harvesting of Palm Oils

                                        Palm Oils Mill

Final Palm Oil

Click Here : Palm Oil Web Pages


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