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Climate Change Because of Global Warming

Posted by Flora Sawita

Khadija Al Mousa

ClimateChange Because of Global Warming
Does Global Warmingaffect us as a group or as individual? Can people help decrease this problem? Globalworming happens when the average temperature of the earth is high, and it getshigh disasters can happen on many occasions. Moreover, high temperature willchange the climate temperature in general. The global warming affect us as anindividual before it affect us as a group based on the rights perspective.
What is the rightperspective? As Manuel Velasquez, Claire Andre, ThomasShanks, S.J, and Michael J. Meyer said about the Ethical Perspectives, theydescribed the rights perspective as: “Identifies certain fundamentalcivil, political and economic rights that merit protection or respect becausethey pertain to the dignity of the human person. Each person has a fundamentalright to be respected andtreated as a free and equal rational person capable of making his or her owndecisions. Examples of rights that are traditionally recognized in thisapproach include: the right to privacy, autonomy, the right to subsistence,freedom of conscience, the right to physical integrity, etc. The principlestates: Act in ways that respect the dignity of other persons by honoring orprotecting their legitimate moral rights.” Therefore,how can people stand for their rights? Well, by encouraging each other to savethe planet. For example, decreasing the usage of cars, if the usage got low,then the temperature will get low, too.  
   Climate changing is caused by global warming which isbecoming a big issue nowadays; because the earth is warming up. Anup Shahmentioned in her article “Climate Change and Global Warming Introduction” that not only peopleactivities can cause the heat but also the environment cycle is another reason.In other words, our environment can be one of the reasons that can causeclimate changing beside humans activities. For example, building greenhousescan be one of the reasons to cause that. We might do not see it as an effect tothe environment; because trees take CO2 to breath and give us O2 which willclear the air. However, the main gas that comes out of the greenhouses is CO2. Soagain, the tress takes CO2 but when the wood dies, it will be returned back tothe air. In those kind of situations, comes the “Ethical Dilemma” where youhave two important things that you value a lot and you have to choose one ofthem. So you have either to save the environment or save other humans. In otherwords, what do you value more? Human rights or saving the environment?Personally, each person has to choose either save her/his life and the rest ofpeople or choose to suffer and other people will suffer and probably die, toobecause I value human rights more. And what makes it important is each one ofus should think as if s/he was responsible for the rest. And saving the worldis in her/his hands and to make the right choose to save us all and make sureother generations have a better life to live. On the other hand, if nobodycared about this issue, each human being on earth will suffer at first from theheat and die eventually. Everyone in the world is responsible and involved tosolve this problem. We all can decrease climate changing by using other sourcesfor energy like the wind energy and local power provider.
Maurizio Petrone and SEO Specialist provide us with 5o waysto stop climate changing: “Use less hotwater, take a shower instead of a bath, recycle your organic waste, cover yourpots while cooking, use the washing machine or dishwasher only when they arefull, reuse your shopping bag, keep your car tuned up, and try car sharing,etc.” Inother words, if everyone did those ways we can all easily stop the climatechanging or at least decrease it a little bit.
Oneof my friends when we brought up this subject she totally refused to help. Shesaid: “It is the government and the people who care about the environmentresponsibility to solve the problem, I should live my life the way I want andthey should find a way to protect me and make sure I live a safe life becauseit is not my fault.” She said that because she is looking at it for herpersonal perspective which is fairness. She also said that: “it is not fair forall of us because some people will kill them selves to safe the plant and makeeffort, who is defiantly not me, where the others will be damaging it more andmore. So it is not fair to make people do the work while others do not care, weshould all work together or I won’t do the work alone”. Personally, I disagreewith her because it is our environment and our planet. There are people who isliving with us we are not alone and we should think, act, and be like if wewere one person. I do not think it is the government or people who should takecare of the environment because if you think about it there is a few of themcomparing to the rest of people. I always keep in mind a quote my mother alwayssay to me which is: “ one hand do not clap” which means you can not do anythingby your self you need other people to help you, get the work done, and survive.But what I really think it means is that one hand is me and the other hand is aperson or a group who is helping me and when we work together and achievesomething that is the sound I get when I clap my hands together but if I workeda lone and tried to clap with one hand I won’t hear a sound.
Decreasingthe heat of the planet can be an easy problem if someone stood up and make itmore obvious to others what exactly we are facing, what are the threats, whathappen if we did this, what happen if we did not worked together, … etc. Eachperson should be responsible to save the earth, and this can happen by advisingand telling them what to do and give them a clear and simple picture what itwill look like if we all ignored climate changing.
In conclusion, climatechanging is an issue that we might not be aware of. Keeping our life safe andmake sure we get a better life; we first need to live in a safe environment.Therefore, if everybody tried to reduce the usage of cars, heated water, and usedother energy sources which won’t hurt us. We all can be as a person and saveour plant from global warming that causes climate changing. By focusing on what Manuel Velasquez, Claire Andre, ThomasShanks, S.J, and Michael J. Meyer said in “Thinking Ethically:A Framework for Moral Decision Making”:Theright not to be injured: We have the right not to be banned or injured unlesswe freely and knowingly do something to deserve punishment or we freely andknowingly choose to risk such injuries.” So, each human have the right not to be harmed onlyif we did something bad or wrong, but it is not right to get hurt because otherpeople do not care about the environment and think it is the government orpeople who take care of the environment duty. We all value things which isdifferent from others so let’s respect others values.
Anup Shah. (2009). Climate change andglobal warming. Retrieved April 5,2009,
The effects of global. (1996). Retrieved April 7, 2009,
Maurizio Petrone, SEO Specialist. (2009). Top 50 things to do to stop global warming. Retrieved April 7, 2009,


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