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Birth Control for Biodiversity

Posted by Flora Sawita

“The Convention on Biological Diversity's 2010 conference in Nagoya, Japan agreed to put 17 per cent of land and 10 per cent of oceans on Earth under protection by 2020, but this may not stop the decline in biodiversity [EPA]”

Many organizations and governmental agencies are moving toward creating policies to protect the loss of biodiversity. Will these tactics be enough? The answer is “no”! Humanities footprint is the primary cause of biodiversity loss. According to Stephen Leahy on August 3 2011 studies show that “The world population, currently at 7bn, is well beyond Earth's ability to sustain. By 2050, with a projected population of 10bn people and without a change in consumption patterns, the cumulative use of natural resources will amount to the productivity of up to 27 planet Earths”.

One of the best ways to control human population growth is to “stop having so many kids”. We can take all the precautions in the world in order to sustain biodiversity, although those precautions will not make much of a difference if the human population keeps growing the way it has.

In 1978 China established the One-Child Policy restricting married urban couple to having only one child. The reason for implementing this policy was to help control the harmful effects on biodiversity from the over population.

If we don’t begin to control human population as individuals with the use of birth control, or other means necessary, one day the freedom of having as many children as you like may be taken away from the rest of the world as well.

For more information on the Convention on Biological Diversity’s 2010 conference in Nagoya Japan visit:

Created by Robin Beckmon


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