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Biodiesel fleet

Posted by Flora Sawita

7 Unique Eco-Friendly Company Transportation Alternatives
Mashable - Erica Swallow - Jun 3, 2011‎‎
Since those early days, Maine Root has added another biodiesel to its fleet. The Dodge Ram 12-valve Cummins Diesel (pictured above), is used for general deliveries and transportation to meetings with potential customers and events. ...
City bus system to receive state-of-the-art transit technology upgrades
Guelph Mercury - ‎Jun 3, 2011‎
Hybrid electric buses are not being considered to replace the current biodiesel fleet. Anyone wanting to see their bus rocket through an endless series of green traffic lights will have to wait, too. Traffic signal pre-emption technology is a long-term ...
NAFA Hosts Webinar On The New State Of Alternative Fuels
PRLog.Org (press release) - Jun 3, 2011‎
Presenters for the webinar include: Greg Zilberfarb, a consultant working with the Propane Education & Research Council; Dr. Richard Nelson, a consultant with the National Biodiesel Foundation; Robert White, the Director of Market Development for the ...
Adjusting to alternative fuels
Fleet Owner - Sean Kilcarr - ‎Jun 3, 2011‎
“Regardless of how much biodiesel is used in the fuel mixture, a fleet needs an oil analysis program to verify that the motor oil's viscosity is holding up as expected.” Stepping back to look at the big picture, Tom Yu, Shell's business development ...
COAST Rolls Out Three New Trolleys - Robert Cook - ‎Jun 3, 2011‎
All three also run on bio diesel fuel. The new COAST trolleys making their regularly scheduled stops in Market Square are green in color and their environmental features. Jeremy LaRose, a spokesman for the Cooperative Alliance for Seacoast ...


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