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Biodiesel feedstock prices

Posted by Flora Sawita

Biofuel green light triggers tax plea: researchers want government backing for ... - ‎Jun 2, 2011‎
These including scaling-up economically viable feedstock production and competition from other industries for biomass. The volatility of oil prices and technological uncertainty also meant investors would need high returns or formalized arrangements to ...
Inhofe makes his move on the RFS
Ethanol Producer Magazine - Kris Bevill - ‎Jun 2, 2011‎
The Fuel Feedstock Freedom Act would also replace current RFS term “cellulosic biofuel” with “next generation biofuel,” expanding the category to include algae-derived fuels and other drop-in fuels derived from renewable biomass. ...
Algae Company Solazyme Makes Strong Nasdaq Debut
Reuters - ‎Jun 1, 2011‎
Researchers have been promising great things for algae as a renewable feedstock. Algae grows faster than other bio feedstocks and it uses fewer resources. Advocates say it has the potential to produce up to 5000 gallons of renewable oil a year on a ...
Mission Expected to Benefit from Official Launch of Biodiesel Mandate in Malaysia
Business Wire (press release) - ‎Jun 2, 2011‎
Jatropha Curcas is an inedible biodiesel feedstock cultivated by Mission's contract farmers on arid, marginal lands. By realizing the Jatropha by-product value, Mission is working towards a zero cost, sustainable, non-edible fuel source. ...
Gushan Environmental Energy Management Discusses Q1 2011 Results - Earnings ...
Seeking Alpha - ‎May 26, 2011‎
While biodiesel selling prices rose in the quarter, that improvement was offset by a continued rise in the cost of our raw material feedstock. The overall average and the cost of our raw material input increased 28.2% year-to-year at 3% ...


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