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Biodiesel europe 2009

Posted by Flora Sawita

EU rules on biofuel concern soybean growers - Philip Brasher - ‎May 29, 2011‎
The US soybeans are crushed for livestock feed in Europe, and then the oil has typically been used to make biodiesel, which is more popular than ethanol in Europe. Using the soybean oil for food isn't an option because of European objections to biotech ...
Biofuels boom in Africa as British firms lead rush on land for plantations
The Guardian - ‎May 31, 2011‎
But we are pushing [Europe] to go further, to reduce the risk of knock-on effects, including deforestation in new areas." He added: "Only a tiny proportion – less that 0.1% - of UK biofuel has come from Africa." As oil prices rise, said Jeremy Woods, ...
Biofuels boom in Africa as British firms lead rush on land for plantations
Study examines ethanol's ties to prices at the pump
Rockford Register Star - Brian Leaf - ‎11 hours ago‎
“It's not the end-all-be-all, but along with soy biodiesel and other biofuels, ethanol can help us wean ourselves from having to make so much gas from petroleum coming from countries that don't like us very much,” Fata said. “The production and use of ...
EU biodiesel firms probe new loophole on US import duties
Platts - ‎May 9, 2011‎
First levied in March 2009, the antidumping duties initially stemmed a rising tide of US biodiesel imports into Europe which benefit from a subsidy of $1/gal ($300/mt) if blended with traditional diesel. But the measure was later hampered by the ...


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