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Biodiesel ethanol

Posted by Flora Sawita

Rep. Shimkus opens drive to require autos running on nonpetroleum fuels - ‎May 11, 2011
Shimkus's legislation would mean that a fast-increasing percentage of new autos would be warranted by automakers to operate on ethanol, natural gas, hydrogen, biodiesel, plug-in-electric drive and perhaps other technologies. Shimkus, R-Collinsville ...
Study examines ethanol's ties to prices at the pump
Rockford Register Star - Brian Leaf - ‎May 11, 2011
A federal mandate requires production of 36 billion gallons of ethanol by 2022. “It's not the end-all-be-all, but along with soy biodiesel and other biofuels, ethanol can help us wean ourselves from having to make so much gas from petroleum coming from ... .
Truckers want limits on biodiesel
Toronto Star - Dana Flavelle - ‎May 30, 2011‎
Since last December, when Ottawa mandated 10 per cent ethanol in gasoline, some 28 ethanol and biodiesel plants have opened across the country. They can currently meet up to a third of the country's biodiesel needs, the association said. ...
New biofuel to spar with ethanol
Mansfield News Journal - Philip Brasher - ‎May 11, 2011‎
Almost 14 billion gallons of ethanol will be made from corn this year and a few million more from wood chips or other biomass sources. Except for biodiesel or a product called renewable diesel that's made from animal fats, drop-in fuels still are well ...


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