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Biodiesel ethanol blend

Posted by Flora Sawita

Local Propel stations offering diesel fuel made with recycled vegetable oils
Sacramento Bee - Mark Glover - ‎17 hours ago‎
Propel's B20 is a blend of 20 percent, American-made biodiesel and 80 percent petro-diesel. It's sourced from recycled vegetable oils and touted as promoting longer engine life and reduced emissions. Company officials said the local stations are ...
What High Gas Prices Mean for Renewable Energy - Jennifer Kho - ‎May 31, 2011‎
If ethanol prices do top gas prices, E85 sales could drop, but the market for ethanol blended into gasoline is unlikely to see much of an impact, Kment added. That's because the federal RFS calls for about 13.95 billion gallons of biofuel this year, ...
Missing Link: How a Biofuels Startup Bridged the Garbage and Gas Industries
BNET (blog) - Kirsten Korosec - ‎16 hours ago‎
The EPA has mandated that refiners blend 6.6 million gallons of cellulosic ethanol with gasoline this year. This next-generation fuel is considered superior to corn-based ethanol because it isn't produced from food crops. But next-gen biofuel companies ...
Biofuel Push Stalls In 'Car Crazy' Germany
NPR - Eric Westervelt - ‎May 23, 2011‎
Delivery of the fuel, which is a blend of gasoline and 10 percent ethanol, has stopped because consumers are not buying enough of it. A woman fills her tank with E10 gasoline in Berlin on March 4. Delivery of the fuel, which is a blend of gasoline and ...
Germans Refuse to Use Ethanol to Fuel their Cars, NPR Reports


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