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Biodiesel efficiency testing

Posted by Flora Sawita

Aurora team takes top seed in fuel efficiency at car contest
Aurora Advertiser - ‎May 30, 2011‎
For the third year in a row, Aurora students were on the top in fuel efficiency. High school students participated in the alternative fuels category with a vehicle running on B20 biodiesel and averaged 245 miles per gallon -- with a high run of 275 mpg ...
Area class turns kitchen oil into biodiesel fuel
Bloomington Pantagraph - ‎May 29, 2011‎
Usually we just take a test and move on,” said chemistry student Lindsay Brightwell of Lexington. Biodiesel is a clean burning alternative to petroleum-based diesel. Five students, all seniors, comprise the Chemistry II class that created the fuel. ...
Driver's Seat: Local team wins honors for fuel-efficient vehicle ...
Philadelphia Inquirer - Scott Sturgis - ‎4 hours ago‎
The team did some reworking of the vehicle, and it's now powered by a Volkswagen TDI engine running on biodiesel coupled with a hybrid system. It averaged more than 100 mpg, the highest mileage among nonelectric vehicles in the 100-mile test. ...
What the City is doing - Air
Calgary Herald - ‎May 30, 2011‎
We reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 540 tonnes by using biodiesel in heavy equipment like garbage and recycling trucks. We have 147 light vehicles (hybrids and Smart cars) with high fuel efficiency ratings. We are testing a hybrid garbage truck to ...
The road ahead: How will we power our cars in the future?
Scotsman - Erikka Askeland - ‎May 30, 2011‎
These included a whole panoply of ways of getting around, from electric tuk-tuks, to fuel cell-powered motorised bikes – where the cells can be used to power light and cookery facilities when camping – to massive biodiesel-powered hybrid engine lorries ...


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