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Supergene - New Oil Palm Seed with Double Production

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels:

More than 30 years of research, involving two generation of scientist has finally paid up. The researcher has found the best crossing material to produce a F-1 Supergene Hybrid Seeds which has novel superior characteristics. With this superior characteristics, the oil palm grower can double the production, double the sales, double the income, and finally double the rate of investment recovery!

The superior characteristics as follow:
1. Thin Shell - smal Kernel
2. High Oil Extraction Ratio (OER) from Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) ammount to between 26% to 28%
3. Beta Carotene 1000ppm up
4. High Kernel Oil Extraction Rate (PKOER) between 6% to 8%
5. Bigger fruits, bigger brunches, and more bunches per tree per year Up to 20-26 bunches/tree/year.
6. Earlier flowering, fruiting, and harvesting time.
7. Shorter palm height, less wastage, with half of the height increment of normal DXP Tenera Palm. ie. 25-35 cm growth as against 60 cm normal growth.
8. Longer harvesting period and longer re-planting cycle up to 35-40 years.
9. More tolerant to drought
10. More female ratio in fronds, ie. at least double the normal ratio.
11. Thicker stem and interogessed with more genetic material, therefore, more diversed in genetic base, and more resistant to fungal disease, ganoderma (basal stem rot)
12. More yield on the fifth year harvesting, the fresh fruit bunche (FFB) 40-45 MT/Ha/Year.
13. With Potential FFB Yield MORE THAN 50 MT/Ha/Year on OPTIMUM MAINTENANCE.

Source: IRHO Supergene Development Pte. Ltd.

Supergene Palm Tree


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