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Biodiesel disadvantages

Posted by Flora Sawita

Biofuels transport targets are unethical, inquiry finds
The Guardian - ‎Apr 12, 2011‎
Only this morning, I have been looking into biodiesel production from Algae on the internet (including youtube clips) - it seems very promising indeed, especially if the nutrients for the algae can come from waste. It has none of the disadvantages of ...
Please Read- Corn based ethanol fuel leads to diminished food supply - ‎Apr 8, 2011‎
Fox News Report April 08, 2011 One of the big disadvantages of biomass based ethanol is that it has a low energy content compared to gasoline. The lower energy content means that cars fueling with ethanol will get less mileage. ...
ENERGY - Hydrogen has future potential
Prairie Business - Alan Van Ormer - ‎Apr 4, 2011‎
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology was recently awarded a grant to investigate the development of scalable and mobile technologies for biohydrogen, biodiesel, and hydrocarbons production from lignocellulosic waste biomass. ...
Won't Innovation, Substitution, And Efficiency Keep Us Growing? - Richard Heinberg - ‎Mar 23, 2011‎
In fact, electric cars have advantages as well as disadvantages when compared to fuel-burning cars. The main advantages of electrics are that their energy is used more efficiently (electric motors translate nearly all their energy into motive force, ...


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