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Biodiesel curriculum

Posted by Flora Sawita

The Island School's Leadership in Education Conference Hosts Middlebury ...
The Eleutheran - ‎Apr 1, 2011‎
Among the attendees were seven Island Schools alumni: Sara Rodell (F02) presented on how she brought biodiesel back to her Austin, Texas high school after her Island School semester; Brenna Hughes (S03) shared her non-profit organization, ...
Power to shape the future; SCTCC program trains new plant employees
St. Cloud Times - ‎Apr 2, 2011‎
Students must pick a specialty: wind, solar, biodiesel, ethanol, power generation or fossil fuels. Tjosvold said he was interested in wind and then decided he was not suited for some of the climbing required. He is training in fossil fuels. ...
Chemical Engineering Students Develop a "Greener" Clean
Newswise (press release) - ‎Apr 5, 2011‎
Villanova University engineering students have been converting used cooking oil from dining services into biodiesel fuel for University grounds equipment for several years now. This year, the students wanted to take it one step further. ...
Urban kids get farm facts
Chicago Sun-Times - Denise Moran - ‎Mar 16, 2011‎
1 use of soybeans is for animal feed, she said soybeans also can be used for biodiesel fuel. Building materials also can be made from recycled newspaper and soy flour. “Thirty states grow soybeans,” Hodel said. “Illinois and Iowa are the top soybean- ...
INSIDE INDIANA BUSINESS: Wind park viewed as major research site - ‎Mar 21, 2011‎
Plans have been revived for a biodiesel plant in LaGrange County. Ultra Soy of America LLC had originally unveiled the project in 2006, but it was derailed by the economic downturn. LaGrange County Economic Development Corporation Executive Director ...


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